Energy efficiency pays off
Cost-effective implementation of the Large-scale Consumers Article by Buser Oberflächentechnik AG
In 2015, the canton of Bern introduced legislation governing large-scale consumers [Grossverbraucherartikel]. In order to identify the economic measures for the required optimization of consumption, Buser Oberflächentechnik AG worked together with Endress+Hauser to develop a draft for a cantonal target agreement based on the relevant regulations. As a result, the energy savings potential proved to be considerable.

Professional support while developing the economic measures for consumption optimization
Verification of the measures by temporary measurements
Energy savings of up to 20% by 2026
The challenge
The introduction of the legislation governing large-scale consumers obliges production sites with annual heating requirements of more than five gigawatt hours or electricity consumption of more than 500,000 kilowatt hours to take consumption-optimizing measures. Due to its electricity consumption, Oberflächentechnik AG was also counted as a large-scale consumer.
Solution provides by Endress+Hauser
For reasons concerning resources, Buser Oberflächentechnik AG decided to develop the list of measures for optimizing consumption together with a professional external partner company. After a selection process, a decision was made in favor of Endress+Hauser (Switzerland) AG.
Firstly, all the raw data on energy consumption and the main energy consumers were recorded and documented during a plant inspection. Economic measures were then proposed and verified on the basis of this data.