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CPS171D: elettrodo in vetro Memosens per bioreattori e fermentatori nell'industria biotecnologica.

pHmetro digitale
Memosens CPS171D

Elettrodo in vetro Memosens per bioreattori e fermentatori nell'industria biotecnologica

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30 documenti
    • Informazioni tecniche (TI)

    Memosens CPS171D Technical Information

    • Informazioni tecniche (TI)
    Versione inglese - 02/2018
    New version available in English

    pH electrodes for bioreactors with digital Memosens technology

    • Manuale operativo (BA)

    Sensori di pH/redox e semicelle di riferimento

    • Manuale operativo (BA)
    Versione italiana - 05/2020
    New version available in English

    Sensori con tecnologia Memosens e sensori analogici

    • Istruzioni di sicurezza Ex (XA)

    Memosens pH/ORP Sicherheitshinweise für elektrische Betriebsmittel im explosionsgefährdeten Bereich   Safetyinstructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous areas   Conseils de sécurité pour matériels électriques destinés aux zones explosibles Safety Instructions

    • Istruzioni di sicurezza Ex (XA)
    Versione inglese - 02/2016
    New version available in English

    Safety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous

    • Innovazioni (IN)

    Innovations brochure pH sensor Memosens CPS171D for bioreactors/fermenters

    • Innovazioni (IN)
    Versione inglese - 12/2015
    New version available in English

    Reliability – batch by batch
    Memosens CPS171D pH sensor for absolutely reliable production processes
    in biotechnology

    • Innovazioni (IN)

    Innovationsbroschüre pH-Sensor Memosens CPS171D für Bioreaktoren/Fermenter

    • Innovazioni (IN)
    Versione tedesca - 12/2015
    New version available in English

    Sicherheit – Batch für Batch
    pH-Sensor Memosens CPS171D für absolut verlässliche biotechnologische

    • White paper (WP)

    Damit bei der pH-Messung höchste Genauigkeit garantiert ist

    • White paper (WP)
    Versione tedesca - 04/2021
    New version available in English

    Kalibrierung,Justierung und Verifizierung

    • White paper (WP)

    Whitepaper: Reproduzierbare Messwerte vom Labor bis zum Prozess

    • White paper (WP)
    Versione tedesca - 05/2019
    New version available in English

    Whitepaper über digitale pH- und DO-Sensoren in der

    • White paper (WP)

    White Paper Measuring consistency from lab to process

    • White paper (WP)
    Versione inglese - 05/2019
    New version available in English

    Whitepaper on digital pH and DO sensors in the biotechnology industry

    • White paper (WP)

    Ensuring maximum accuracy in pH measurement

    • White paper (WP)
    Versione inglese - 04/2021
    New version available in English

    Calibration, adjustment and verification

    • Dichiarazione del produttore

    Product family: Memosens

    • Dichiarazione del produttore
    Versione inglese - 10/2019
    New version available in English

    Product root: CPS171D-
    Declaration number: HE_00727_03.19
    Manufacturer specification: 1935/2004

    • Dichiarazione del produttore

    Product family: Memosens

    • Dichiarazione del produttore
    Versione inglese - 06/2018
    New version available in English

    Product root: CPS171D-
    Declaration number: HE_01004_01.18
    Additional information: FDA

    • Dichiarazione del produttore

    Product family: Memosens

    • Dichiarazione del produttore
    Versione inglese - 07/2018
    New version available in English

    Product root: CPS171D-
    Declaration number: HE_00727_02.17
    Manufacturer specification: 1935/2004

    • Dichiarazione del produttore

    Product family: Memosens

    • Dichiarazione del produttore
    Versione inglese - 08/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: CPS171D-
    Declaration number: HE_01983_01.24
    Manufacturer specification: RoHS
    Additional information: China-RoHS

    • Dichiarazione UE

    Product family: CeraGel, CeraLiquid, Ceramax, ConduMax H, ConduMax W, InduMax H, InduMax P, Liquiline, Memosens, Messkabel, Orbi Pac, OrbiPore, OrbiSint, OxyMax H, OxyMax W, TopHit

    • Dichiarazione UE
    Versione inglese - 02/2022
    New version available in English

    Product root: CLS15D-, CLS16D-, CLS21D-, CLS50D-, CLS54D-, CLS82D-,
    CML18-, COS21D-, COS22D-, COS51D-, COS81D-, CPF82D-, CPL51E-
    CPS11D-, CPS12D-, CPS16D-, CPS171D-, CPS31D-, CPS341D-, CPS41D-,
    CPS42D-, CPS441D-, CPS471D-, CPS47D-, CPS491D-, CPS71D-,
    CPS77D-, CPS91D-, CPS92D-, CPS96D-, CPS97D-, CYK10-, CYK20-
    Declaration number: EC_00828_02.20

    • Dichiarazione UE

    Product family: CeraGel, CeraLiquid, Ceramax, Memocheck, Memosens, MESSKABEL, ORBIPORE, OrbiSint, TopHit

    • Dichiarazione UE
    Versione inglese - 01/2023
    New version available in English

    Product root: CPS11D-, CPS12D-, CPS16D-, CPS171D-, CPS31D-,
    CPS341D-, CPS41D-, CPS42D-, CPS441D-, CPS471D-, CPS491D-, CPS7
    CPS72D-, CPS76D-, CPS91D-, CPS92D-, CPS96D-, CYK10-, CYK20-, CYP01D-,
    CYP02D-, CYP03D-
    Declaration number: E

    • Dichiarazione UE

    Product family: CeraGel, CeraLiquid, Memocheck, Memosens, Messkabel, ORBIPORE, ORBISINT, TopHit

    • Dichiarazione UE
    Versione inglese - 01/2023
    New version available in English

    Product root: CPS11D-, CPS12D-, CPS16D-, CPS171D-, CPS41D-,
    CPS42D-, CPS441D-, CPS471D-, CPS491D-, CPS71D-, CPS72D-, CPS76
    CPS91D-, CPS92D-, CPS96D-, CYK10-, CYK20-, CYP01D-, CYP02D-
    Declaration number: EC_00356_03.16

    • Protezione dal rischio di esplosione

    Product family: CeraGel, CeraLiquid, Memosens, Messkabel, OrbiPore, OrbiSint

    • Protezione dal rischio di esplosione
    Versione cinese - 08/2019
    New version available in English

    Product root: CPS11D-, CPS12D-, CPS16D-, CPS171D-, CPS31D-, CPS41D-, CPS42D-, CPS71D-, CPS72D-, CPS76D-, CPS91D-, CPS92D-, CPS96D-,
    CYK10-, CYK20-
    Region: China
    Approval agency: NEPSI
    Protection: Ex i Zone 0

    • Protezione dal rischio di esplosione

    Product family: CeraGel, CeraLiquid, Memosens, Messkabel, OrbiPore, OrbiSint

    • Protezione dal rischio di esplosione
    Versione cinese - 08/2019
    New version available in English

    Product root: CPS11D-, CPS12D-, CPS16D-, CPS171D-, CPS31D-, CPS41D-, CPS42D-, CPS71D-, CPS72D-, CPS76D-, CPS91D-, CPS92D-, CPS96D-,
    CYK10-, CYK20-
    Region: China
    Approval agency: NEPSI
    Protection: Ex i Zone 0

    • Protezione dal rischio di esplosione

    Product family: InduMax P, Liquiline M, Memosens

    • Protezione dal rischio di esplosione
    Versione inglese - 11/2020
    New version available in English

    Product root: CLS12-, CLS13-, CLS15-, CLS15D-, CLS16-, CLS16D-,
    CLS21-, CLS21D-, CLS50-, CLS50D-, CLS82D-, CM42-, COS21D-, COS22D-,
    COS51D-, CPF81-, CPF81D-, CPF82-, CPF82D-, CPS11-, CPS11D-, CPS12-,
    CPS12D-, CPS13-, CPS16D-, CPS171D-, CPS41-, CPS41D-, CPS42-, CPS42D-,
    CPS441-, CPS441D-, CPS471-, CPS471D-, CPS491-, CPS491D-, CPS64-, CPS71-,
    CPS71D-, CPS72-, CPS72D-, CPS76D-, CPS91-, CPS91D-, CPS92-, CPS92D-,
    CPS96D-, CTS1-, CYK10-, CYP01D-, CYP02D-, OPS171D-
    Region: USA
    Approval agency: FM

    • Protezione dal rischio di esplosione

    Product family: CeraGel, CeraLiquid, Memosens, OrbiPac, OrbiPore, OrbiSint, TopHit

    • Protezione dal rischio di esplosione
    Versione inglese - 06/2016
    New version available in English

    Product root: CPS11D-, CPS12D-, CPS16D-, CPS171D-, CPS41D-, CPS42D-, CPS71D-, CPS72D-, CPS76D-, CPS91D-, CPS92D-, CPS96D-
    Region: China
    Approval agency: NEPSI