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  • Historique

Generation change at Analytik Jena

Ulrich Krauss to succeed Klaus Berka as CEO as of 1 October 2016

Date de publication: 12.09.2016

Ulrich Krauss (52) has been a member of Analytik Jena’s Executive Board since November 2015. He brings more than two decades of experience in various international management positions at the Carl Zeiss Group. Additional members of the Executive Board are Grit Petzholdt-Gühne (HR) and Dr Peter Juschitz (Manufacturing, Purchase and Logistics).

The succession plan, supported by Endress+Hauser, was initiated back in the fall of 2015 to provide a smooth transition for the planned departure of the company founder. “We want to continue to develop Analytik Jena under the Endress+Hauser umbrella in the long term. Mr Berka has successfully built up the company over a period of many years. On this basis, Mr Krauss is well positioned to lead the company into a successful future,” said Matthias Altendorf, CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group.

Swiss measurement and automation engineering specialist Endress+Hauser completed the takeover of German analytical instrumentation and bioanalytical systems provider Analytik Jena in March 2016. The goal of the acquisition is to eventually be at the side of both companies’ customers from lab to process, giving support from product development to production. Analytik Jena employs some 1,100 staff worldwide.

Please find the media release and image here to download

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