Il banco di flusso Raman è un componente chiave dell'armatura a deflusso Raman che permette di usare la spettroscopia Raman per i bioprocessi a valle. Questo sistema Raman soddisfa le esigenze di velocità dei processi a valle ottimizzando il prelievo Raman di volumi ridotti di campioni a bassa torbidità. Perfetto nell'ottica della scalabilità delle portate, assicura monitoraggio in tempo reale, rapida ottimizzazione dei processi e il controllo di processo per la cromatografia e altre operazioni a valle.
Applicazioni a valle: aggregazione, cristallizzazione delle proteine, stabilità della formula, CQA prodotto, concentrazione delle proteine, eccipienti tampone
Applicazioni al centro: monitoraggio dell'analita nel permeato
Il banco di flusso Raman alloggia una cella a deflusso Raman e si collega facilmente a una sonda Rxn-10 accoppiata a un analizzatore integrato Rxn Raman
Fornisce informazioni sul processo Raman e assicura il controllo nelle operazioni dei bioprocessi a valle
Integra il controllo della luce ambientale e l'amplificazione del segnale
Spettroscopia Raman - Tecnologia avanzata di analisi ottica
Aumento della sicurezza dell'impianto, garanzia della qualità del prodotto e ottimizzazione delle operazioni. La spettroscopia Raman misura la composizione e la struttura molecolare dei campioni, dal laboratorio al processo, in tempo reale.
Tecnologia Raman per la misura dei processi a valle nella produzione di biosimilari - Test del processo di purificazione delle proteine durante l'ultrafiltrazione/diafiltrazione (UF/DF) presso Alvotech
Prioritize scalability for an efficient biopharmaceutical
product development lifecycle
PU (Pubblicazione)
Versione ceca - 09/2024
New version available in English
This technical paper studies the importance of scalability as a competitive advantage in bioprocessing in the Life Science industry, and Endress+Hauser's scalable Raman systems (Raman Rxn2, Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve, flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and liquid analysis sensor technology and Liquid Analysis portfolio (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E).
Endress+Hauser - your one-source Life Sciences technology partner
PU (Pubblicazione)
Versione inglese - 06/2024
New version available in English
Graphic highlighting why Endress+Hauser is trusted by the world's top biopharmaceutical manufacturers for its Life Sciences expertise and reliable inline, real-time measurement technologies like Raman spectroscopy systems (Raman Rxn2, Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve, flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and liquid analysis sensor technology (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E).
Prioritize scalability for an efficient biopharmaceutical
product development lifecycle
PU (Pubblicazione)
Versione inglese - 06/2024
New version available in English
This technical paper studies the importance of scalability as a competitive advantage in bioprocessing in the Life Science industry, and Endress+Hauser's scalable Raman systems (Raman Rxn2, Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve, flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and liquid analysis sensor technology and Liquid Analysis portfolio (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E).
Raman calibration and verification kits - Everything needed to
calibrate and verify your Raman analyzer system for lab-to-process
PU (Pubblicazione)
Versione inglese - 12/2023
New version available in English
An overview of the Raman calibration and verification kits for the bio multi optic / single use optic and the Raman flow assembly (includes the flow bench and flow cell). These kits are to be used in conjunction with the Rxn-10 probe and Raman Rxn2 / Rxn4 analyzer for upstream and downstream bioprocessing (powered by Kaiser Raman technology).
Raman flow assembly - Precise composition measurement of
high-speed, low-volume samples in downstream bioprocessing
PU (Pubblicazione)
Versione inglese - 05/2023
New version available in English
An overview of the Raman flow assembly (flow bench and flow cell) used with the Rxn-10 probe in conjunction with a Raman Rxn2 analyzer and a Raman flow assembly calibration and verification kit for downstream bioprocessing (powered by Kaiser Raman technology).
Lab-to-process monitoring & control in Life Sciences -
Reliable measurement of bioprocess physical and
chemical properties
PU (Pubblicazione)
Versione inglese - 04/2024
New version available in English
A combined product list of analysis offerings from both Optical Analysis and LIquid Analysis for bioprocessing applications in the life science industry (including Raman Rxn2 analyzer, Raman Rxn4 analyzer, Rxn-10 probe, bio multi optic and bio sleeve, Raman flow assembly, Rxn-45 probe, Rxn-46 probe, Raman optic system for single use, Memosens CPS61E, Memosens COS81E, OUSBT66, Memosens CPS61E, Memosens CPS77E, Memosens CLS82E, OUSAF44, Memosens CPS11E, Memosens CLS16E, TOC Analyzer CA79, Liquiline transmitter platform, and Memobase software).
Endress+Hauser - your one-source Life Sciences technology partner
PU (Pubblicazione)
Versione ceca - 09/2024
New version available in English
Graphic highlighting why Endress+Hauser is trusted by the world's top biopharmaceutical manufacturers for its Life Sciences expertise and reliable inline, real-time measurement technologies like Raman spectroscopy systems (Raman Rxn2, Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve, flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and liquid analysis sensor technology (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E).
Faster market entry, higher yields, and improved
quality - Real-time, inline bioprocess monitoring and
control from lab to GMP with Raman Rxn systems &
Memosens digital sensors
Brochure di competenza (CP)
Versione ceca - 09/2024
New version available in English
This eBook highlights the Endress+Hauser inline analysis portfolio for bioprocessing including Raman spectroscopy systems (Raman Rxn2, Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve, flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and liquid analysis sensor technology (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E) in the Life Science industry.
Faster market entry, higher yields, and improved
quality - Real-time, inline bioprocess monitoring and
control from lab to GMP with Raman Rxn systems &
Memosens digital sensors
Brochure di competenza (CP)
Versione inglese - 06/2024
New version available in English
This eBook highlights the Endress+Hauser inline analysis portfolio for bioprocessing including Raman spectroscopy systems (Raman Rxn2, Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve, flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and liquid analysis sensor technology (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E) in the Life Science industry.
Raman downstream process measurement of biosimilars -
Alvotech's monitoring of the protein purification process
during ultrafiltration / diafiltration (UF/DF)
Studio di caso (CS)
Versione inglese - 06/2024
New version available in English
This case study examines Alvotech's use of Raman systems (Raman Rxn2 analyzer with Rxn-10 probe and Raman flow assembly) to monitor the downstream protein purification process during UF/DF.
Raman downstream process measurement of biosimilars -
Alvotech's monitoring of the protein purification process
during ultrafiltration / diafiltration (UF/DF)
Studio di caso (CS)
Versione ceca - 09/2024
New version available in English
This case study examines Alvotech's use of Raman systems (Raman Rxn2 analyzer with Rxn-10 probe and Raman flow assembly) to monitor the downstream protein purification process during UF/DF.
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