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  • Historique

Position in home country strengthened

Endress+Hauser opens new sales office in western Switzerland

Date de publication: 20.01.2022

Endress+Hauser Switzerland


The Swiss sales organization has around 120 employees, most of whom are located at the headquarters in Reinach where Endress+Hauser Switzerland was founded 60 years ago. The company has long had a presence in French-speaking Switzerland through sales engineers and service technicians. By bundling its forces in the new sales office, Endress+Hauser aims to further strengthen its position.

Despite its international direction, Endress+Hauser remains deeply rooted in the region. In addition to the Sales Center at the Group’s headquarters in Reinach, sales engineers and service technicians are spread across the entire country. “We want to use the new location to underscore our leading position in Switzerland and establish a closer presence in the western Switzerland market at the same time,” says Alex Gasser, Managing Director of Endress+Hauser Switzerland.

Endress+Hauser boasts a broad portfolio of automation solutions that meet the growing requirements of the process industry. Biosciences and biochemicals, the chemical industry and the water sector play a strong role in western Switzerland. A 10-person team under the leadership of Antje Salvaige will concentrate on consulting, sales and customer services with the aim of further growing the regional business.

Strategically important location

The decision for the new location was consciously made in favor of Bussigny in the Canton of Waadt. The sales office is strategically located near the highway junction that leads to the Lausanne-Geneva metropolitan region, the Canton of Valais and the German-speaking region of Switzerland. Proximity to academic centers and research institutes, as well as start-up companies spun off from the Polytechnic University of Lausanne (EPFL), harbors promising synergies.

Customers are also familiar with the location, where for years Endress+Hauser has held training and education seminars that will be continued and intensified in the new office. “Since Bussigny has long served as a meeting point for discussions with our customers, we are looking forward to continuing this history of mutual trust,” emphasizes Alex Gasser.

Alex Gasser, directeur général de Endress+Hauser Suisse.

« Nous voulons utiliser ce nouveau site pour renforcer notre position de leader en Suisse et en même temps notre présence sur le marché de l'ouest de la Suisse »

Alex Gasser, Directeur général
Endress+Hauser Suisse.


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